by Br Nithin Monteiro

Today(28-8-2018), many faithful from the little town of Harihar were witnesses of a supernatural phenomenon; “Tears shedding from the statue of Harihar Matha, venerated at the Shrine of Our Lady of Health, Harihar. At around 11am, a woman realized droplets of liquid (water) flowing from the eyes of the statue. Surprised, she informed the Rector of the shrine in the presence of many faithful, who too observed the same phenomenon. Rector after examining, repeatedly wiped the face, to be sure of the rare phenomenon. Tears did not stop! Many devoutly witnessed the rare phenomenon of tears shedding from the statue. The phenomenon lasted for about 5 minutes. Women recited rosary and sang hymns, praising the Lord for this event. Hundreds are flocking to witness this rare phenomenon and praise God.

The essence of this event is not about the phenomenon, but about its spiritual implications. In a world tormented by individualism, division, superficiality and violence, our Blessed Mother is gently telling us to have a long loving look at Jesus Christ. These supernatural phenomena beckon us to grow in faith, love, charity and to be united in making this world a better place.



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